4 results for month: 12/2014
Holiday Hours
We will be open New Year's Eve from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
We will be open New Year's Day from 6 a.m. until we sell out.
Have a safe and Happy New Year's and please keep all U.S. military service personnel and all of our police, fire and emergency medical personnel in your prayers for 2015.
MUA makes Yelp’s Top 100 restaurants in DFW
Meat U Anywhere is ranked #47 in Yelp's Top 100 restaurants in DFW list!
You can see the list and accompanying story in The Dallas Morning News.
Reheating Instructions
Did you place an order for the holidays? Use the instructions below to help with reheating:
Suggested Smoked Whole Turkey Reheating Instructions
If frozen, defrost your fully cooked MUA Smoked Turkey in the refrigerator for up to three days prior to serving. Once thawed, carve it to eat cold, for sandwiches or for slices to place on microwavable dish to enjoy.
Reheating Instructions
Preheat your oven to 375° F
Place the cold (not room-temperature) smoked turkey in roasting bag (included)
Add a cup of chicken broth to the cavity and seal the bag
Place bag in a rigid roasting pan, breast-side down in roasting bag. (This allows the ...
Smoked Meats
By the pound
Brisket.............................................. $32
Turkey Breast .................................. $28
St. Louis Cut Rib ............................. $28
Pulled Pork ...................................... $26
Pit Ham............................................. $26
German or Jalapeño Cheddar Sausage ................... $26
Chicken Half ...................................... $15
Prime Time Meats
Friday-Saturday Only • By The Pound
Famous Peppered Tenderloin........ $36
Smoked Choice Prime Rib ............. $36
Choice Beef Chuck Rib................. $36
Meat ‘N’ Bun
Choose from: Brisket (sliced ...